NaMo Namah !



The land sliding victory of Narendra Modi stands testimony to the Modi wave which swept the entire nation. Some called him a crusader, some called him a leader, there were others who termed him the person causing divide but the poll results or what I should call peoples judgement spoke otherwise. Whether responsible for communalism as called by certain pseudo secularists or the man accused of getting ‘hindutva’ in the front run… None of these allegations matter today as those making them have their foot in mouth.

 This victory is not that of a single man or a party. It is the victory of an entire nation’s dreams and aspirations. It’s a victory of people who’ve been silent not by force but choice. The humility of Narendra Modi was evident in his victory speech where he gave the credit to the common people of India and to his senior leaders and party workers. The man stood tall thanking everyone who voted for him and unlike the dynasty rulers pledged to be ‘mazdoor no 1’. Change is prevalent in more than certain ways.

India has voted for development, progress and change. It’s a promise which each one has seen in the form of Narendra Modi. There is a hope for a better tomorrow. NaMo is a phenomenal man who has united India to believe that he will fulfill our dreams. He has the faith of people riding with him. It’s commendable in the way he has carried out the entire election period with excellent speeches and has struck a chord with each and every segment of the society. It’s a remarkable win for a man coming from such a meager background.

Today NaMo is at the epicenter of the nation leading India to a new horizon yet is so humble in his approach. His successful win doesn’t seem to have any impact on him but there are definitely other feathers which are ruffled. Those against him have all suddenly decided to support him. Even people in his own party who didn’t think much of him are speaking in high regard about him today. Success does give a man new set of admirers, I really can’t call them friends.

Excited to see NaMo shape India’s future. But as they say ‘with gr8 power, comes great responsibility’. I am sure he will do a great job.

– Anjani Nautiyal.

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