Narendra Modi Is The Perfect Example Of How To Use Facebook


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With the COO Sheryl Sandberg of the social networking site visiting India, the country is the biggest bid for the Zuckerberg led firm. India is the second-largest user base for Facebook, after the US, with over 100 million users and 9,00,000 small and medium businesses (SMBs) on board. The COO said that the website is in the process of monetising in India.

India has a lot of potential in terms of people on the site’s network; there is a huge opportunity for the firm as per Sandberg’s words. Facebook has 1.2 billion users globally. Sandberg added that about 9, 00,000 SMBs have pages on Facebook on which they can advertise and reach out to potential customers. “These pages appear in the news feeds of users, which the company claims are personalized. Some percentage of these SMBs is paying for the page product. This explains lot of growth here. Business here contributes globally.”

The company also wants to enable commerce-help small and medium businesses to find customers and expand their business in turn helping Facebook grow, internet can be a potent medium for politicians to communicate with the public; Sheryl added.

She also said, “Politicians should use Facebook and share what they are doing. A perfect example is Narendra Modi, who has extensively used Facebook in his electoral campaign. His following on Facebook with over 18 million followers is only next to Obama. This is an important medium.”

With so many aspects regarding the expansion of the firm here in India, in no time India would be largest user of the site, may take over the US in terms of users on board the largest social networking site.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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