Narendra Modi’s – Gujarat Model


After B.J.P’s massive win and Narendra Modi becoming prime minister of India everyone is talking about the promises given by him. The main basis for his win is because of their development promises. As modi sir has repeatedly mention Gujarat model for development so what exactly Gujarat model is? And is beneficial for India or not?

Many argue about his model for development but in union budget 2014 it has seen that modi sir has stressed on development. His model is neither too unique nor extraordinary. The Key pillars of Gujarat model are –Business Friendly environment, Women safety, Electricity, Employment, corruption-free administration, Transportation and Technology and agriculture development.

1. Business Friendly environment –

PM Narendra modi model is centered on trade and being business friendly. A perfect example is the Tata’s Nano incident. In 2008, Tata’s were kicked out from West Bengal in the aftermath of Singur controversy. Their plans for building Nano were out. In a record 14 months, Modi was able to help Ratan Tata build a plant in Sanand from scratch. Out of nowhere, Gujarat got itself on the automotive map. In 3-4 years’ time, Gujarat was able to challenge the automotive leader. He wants to develop the nation in manufacturing sector and compete china.

2. Women safety –

In modi governance Gujarat was safest for women. Modi is trying to bring this model in national level and try to give safety to women. Recent survey by NDTV 74% woman feel safe in Gujarat first in India. Last 16 years BJP rule in state. Which have earlier criminal and mafia before BJP GOVT.?

3. Electricity –

If you were living in Gujarat, you would have had 24-hours power supply around the year! Modi transformed Gujarat into a power-surplus state!. While power plants in the rest of India struggled to secure coal and gas for power generation, Gujarat produced 14,000 MW of electricity – surplus of 2,000 MW. This was not always the case. When Modi took power in 2001, the Gujarat Electricity Board was a mess. Power supply was erratic at best; power theft was rampant and the state electricity board used to bleed money. How did Modi turn the situation around? For starters, he empowered Manjula Subramaniam, a bureaucrat known for her efficiency and made her the chairperson of the GSEB (Gujarat State Electricity Board). She was instrumental in the reform story of the power sector in Gujarat.

4. Employment-

Latest survey by government of India top 5 state 4 ruled by bjp at the time of survey. This shows that modi has encourage employment and growth of country.

5. Corruption-free administration-

Modi’s Gujarat has embraced e-governance to slash corruption.Gujarat, under Narendra Modi, has been widely praised for its transparent and largely corruption-free administration. For example, the U.S Congress’s Report titled “India: Domestic Issues, Strategic Dynamics, and U.S. Relations observed, “ Chief Minister Narendra Modi has streamlined economic processes, removing red tape and curtailing corruption in ways that have made the state a key driver of national economic growth.”. Economists have placed Gujarat among the least corrupt states in India.

6. Agriculture development-

The lifeline of any economy first starts with agriculture then prospers into manufacturing sector and then en-lights in tertiary sector (service sector). Gujarat had experienced the gross production upsurge of 10.97% as compared to 2.9% of the nation owing to the development strategy of Gujarat. ‘Per drop, more crops’ is PM Modi’s new mantra to boost Agriculture.

7. Transportation and Technology-

Gujarat government has one of the best transport facilities in India. Gujarat goverment state transport provide facility like volvo. BRTS in Ahmedabad is also very good facility for transportation. Most of brts buses are ac. Modi government has also improved in technology and trying to be completive in world market.

After studying all the highlight of Gujarat model it is concluded that Gujarat model is much powerful in developing India. Now let’s see how much effective the model will be in coming future.


Umang Naresh Shah


Mithibai College

Corresponded by,

Niket Mehta

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