Narrow escape for 154 passenger on board IndiGo flight



An IndiGo plan with over 150 passengers on board developed a problem in its landing gear causing thick smoke to emanate after touching down at the airport in New Delhi on 20 August 2014, Wednesday prompting emergency evacuation.

28 persons were injured with minor bruises and 1 passenger suffered suspected fracture.  The Airbus A-320 aircraft operating flight 6E-176 from Mumbai and carrying 148 passengers and six crew members landed at the IGI Airport around 1530 hours. The Air Traffic Control observed “dense smoke” coming out of the left-side lower portion and alerted the pilots.

As per sources, the investigation will continue for the next few days to know the actual reasons for the incident. 

This is the second incident involving an IndiGo aircraft in the recent past. 

indigo 2

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