NATA Exam Form March 2014 Submission Procedure



Step 1: Candidates have to register on NATA student portal ( Candidates are advised to create an account in the portal, by providing a valid email-id and password, after which they will receive an email from the portal.

Step 2: Login to NATA student portal. After activating the account, click the login option.

Step 3: Complete the profile. Candidates have to fill the application form. Candidates are advised to read the instructions before filling the application form.

Step 4: Choose a payment method. Candidates have to choose any one of the methods to pay the fee, through net banking / credit card and ICICI bank ISURE pay challan. Candidates have to check the filled details before taking a print out of the application form.

Step 5: Take the print out of the application form. After downloading the application form, candidates have to approach any test center with the required documents and proof of the payment made.

Step 6: Select convenient date to appear for the test.

Step 7: Request test center to register the candidate on the selected date.

Step 8: Procure receipt cum appointment voucher from the test center. Application fee: Rs 1,000/-.

For further details, Contact:
Council of Architecture,
Core 6-A, 1st Floor,
India Habitat Center,
Lodhi Road,
New Delhi.

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