Navy Scouts For Air Defence Options For India’s New Carrier – INS Vikramaditya



INS Vikramaditya is currently vulnerable to air attacks due to the delay in the Indo-Israel protection system which failed to get installed 2 years ago.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi witnessed the capabilities of the aircraft carrier which doesn’t have any self defence weapons on board. It was a 3-hour long breathtaking display of naval capabilities and NaMo wasn’t really impressed with “pudgy and rotund” personnel and officers onboard. NaMo wanted to know the exact nature of difficulty faced by the navy in operating the ship-borne fighters from the deck. NaMo witnessed MiG-29K fighters performing 2 overshoots on the flight deck.

As per senior navy officials, CIWS ie. Close In Weapon System – AK 630 system which will be manufactured in India and likely to be installed between March to June 2015. The radar-guided gun and rocket system is expected to provide basic protection to the 44,500-ton aircraft carrier. Senior navy officials are conducting various studies to find out what can be provided to the ship which will meet the requirements. INS Vikramaditya is operational and would be fully combat ready once more fighter pilots will be trained for deck operations.

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