Nazriya Nazim – Fahad Fazil 21 August 2014 Marriage Photos, Pictures, Images


South Indian Cinema’s youngest sensational couple Fahadh Faashil and Nazriya Nazim got married on 21st August 2014, Thursday. The wedding ceremony was held at Al-Saj Convention Centre, Trivandrum in the presence of family and friends. 

 Nazriya Nazim is an Indian film actress who has starred in Malayalam and Tamil films. She used to be a TV show anchor before pursuing a career as an actress. 

Fahadh Faasil is an Indian film actor known for his work in Malayalam cinema. Fahadh made his debut at the age of 17 in his father Fazil’s Kaiyethum Doorath, which turned out to be a revolution at the Kerala box-office. 

The wedding of Fahadh Fazil and Nazriya Nazim took place as per Islamic rituals at 11.30am at the Al-Saj Convention Centre. The traditional ‘Mylanchi’ function prior to the wedding was held at the beach resort of Kovalam.
Check here Nazriya Nazim – Fahad Fazil 21 August 2014 Marriage Photos, Pictures, Images 

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