Need for a Group

Need for a Group

The reasons for the need, of groups are as follows:

  • Management of modern organizations make mutual efforts to introduce industrial democracy at workplace. They use project teams and work committees where workers get due recognition. They willingly participate in decision-making.
  • The tasks in modern industries are becoming more complex, tedious arid of repetitive nature. Work committees, work groups and teams are formed to monitor the work. They also make the environment at workplace more lively.
  • Groups help in making participative management more effective.
  • Groups of all kinds and types help by cooperating in all the matters related to production and human relations to work effectively in the organization.
  • An individual cannot perform each and every task. Group efforts are required for its completion. For example, building a ship, making of a movie, construction of a fly-over, etc. All these require coordinated and unified efforts of many individuals, working in a group.
  • A group can judge in a better way as compared to an individual.
  • While accomplishing tasks, all members of a group together use their creative and innovative ideas than a single individual.
  • In a group, individuals communicate with each oilier, discuss their work performances and take suggestions from each other to make it better.
  • Group efforts affect an individual, his attitude and behavior.
  • Group has the ability to satisfy the needs of its members.

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