Neeraj Chauhan


Name – Neeraj. R. Chauhan
Graduated BMS in the year – 2010
College – Vidya Vardhini Vartak College
Currently working – In Praveen Industries, Faridabad

Tell us something about yourself
My Name is Neeraj, I have done my schooling from Holy paradise English High School, then I chose Commerce for my 11th and 12th with (Information Technology) IT as a substitute for Hindi and then there was a turn when I chose BMS as a stream for my graduation.
I like making new friends, quite a gregarious person, I say what I really do and understand my cup of tea that actually suits me.

Tell us something about your BMS College
Frankly speaking, The Faculties are really good, they actually make us work on the exact track that can help the BMS students in their future like Presentations, field work either primary data or secondary data, the questionnaire section that makes us have a face to face conversation and also a support on entertainment part or festival’s part and they also guided us on various problems that we used to come across, this is what a student really need in his college.

When did you join BMS? Which year you graduated BMS?
I had joined BMS in the year 2007 and I completed my degree in March, 2010.

How did you start your career? What was the first step after completing BMS?
I have just completed my BMS, so I actually decided to take a break from studies but had to work because of some personal reasons but ya will surely go for MMS or MBA after taking some experience.

What are you doing currently?
Currently I am working with Praveen Industries, Faridabad and side by side I have started my Dance classes.

Share with us some of your favourite college memories – Sad, pleasant or anything?
3 years journey in BMS was very amusing as it gave me memories to remember and laugh on such funny stuffs that I and our class mates did, like my habit of asking questions in every presentations that my friends never liked and I used to enjoy on, the last moment preparations, the songs that we sung together, bunking lectures for no reason and the same was for attending also, the stuffs that we did during “IV” and specially my favourite part was when our juniors gave us the farewell party that was like an embroideree given to a cloth that was about to get dispatched.
Those days were really enjoyable.

What has BMS life taught you?
Well, I find a drastic change after BMS as I knew that I could not even speak when it came to just make your friends know about yourself, BMS gave me the confidence that made me stand confidently and be a different Neeraj along with my classmates, it also made me realise my skills that I had and the way I used it and that was not possible without BMS assignments and the presentations / project part.

How is life after BMS? What changes do you see in yourself?
BMS has taught me how to deal with stage fear that was something I had overcome way back during my BMS days. I feel more confident especially when it comes to communication. It has changed from being a recluse to a complete gregarious person and I thank BMS for that.

Who in your life has influenced you the most?
My friends, Professors and my parents who influenced me the most whenever I needed their help specially my Dad who played a vital role in my life, it was him who influenced me to go for BMS, when I was planning to go for HM (Hotel Management) and then my journey of 3 years in BMS started that gave me memorable pages of my life.

Has BMS course really helped you in the corporate world or in MBA?
BMS has really helped me to cope with the corporate world. The habit of keeping a track of day-to-day affairs in my BMS days has really helped me in my corporate life. And as far as MBA is concerned, I am sure that the studies made in the BMS days will surely help me to get through it with ease.

As BMS alumni, what changes would you like to bring in management education?
I feel that BMS is the course that is to be done to get a firm base at the base and middle level managers. This would really be helpful for the students to get the detailed information or knowledge of what they would be facing in early future and this would be appealing as the subjects that are being taught in the first and second year, have great details and in depth analysis at the core of the subject. Also, specialization should be given up with more options to finance and marketing, human resource, retail and other MBA/MMS specialization should be a part of the curriculum.

What is the ideal career option after BMS? Why?
The best career option after BMS is to get a specialization degree in the stream that you are best in. A specialization degree is the best what you can opt for after BMS. This can be done directly after completing the BMS degree or you can opt for a break from studies and have the “corporate experience” for a year or a two, and then continue with MMS or MBA.

Do you think internship /work experience is a must before pursuing MBA?
To get a degree is not enough for a manager to directly start with the career and after MBA, directly getting into the corporate world without any experience at the base level would really create some knotty situations. So, I would suggest going for a corporate experience at the base level.

What message would you like to give to the current BMS batches?
The only message that I would like to give to the current batches is that enjoy these golden days of your life to the fullest and never miss any moment as they are the one which can carry you forward with life. And of-course, work hard especially in the third year as they are boards but do not forget your target.

How is What help should it provide in future? is great; it helps me to get updated with the latest buzz around it. It helps me to be in touch and to know people more personally and ya some of the special ways that others try to remember some concepts, some tips, key-words, etc. this is all because of There are some times when you need some guidance on a tricky situation and that the corporate world makes them face it. So, may be this would be very helpful in future through

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  1. Hi, this is Neeraj R Chauhan

    I am here with one more thing. Being a writer is a new feather i have added to my cap and the first initiative of the short story writing is linked below.
    I would be highly obliged with you all and expect the same love and support you all gave me before.…/story-many-years-ago-in-rome-there-was.html

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