Negative Impact of Crime Shows On The Youth



Video games have long been subjected to the criticism that they expose players to violence and corrupt their minds. An emerging TV trend may be having the same effect. A perfect mix for entertainment, education, Inspiration; the Crime based shows of India are not glamorous or sophisticated and mostly don’t have happy endings. These serials that portray ‘real life crime scenes’, that showcase so much violence, fraud and corrupt practices which are now being imbibed and used by common man to deal with alike situation in their real life.

The most hit serials exhibiting new and varied crime scenes and incidents that occurred due to impulse, anger, rage, greed or peer pressure, include CID, Crime Patrol, Gumrah, MTV Webbed and Savdhan India. The basic motive of such TV shows is to bring awareness amongst the viewers about the crime that can be happening around them and also, how they should be apprehensive about their safety. But humans are fascinated by the darker side of these serials, especially the teenagers.

Most episodes show criminals going free due to the lack of evidence, or courts taking a long time to serve justice. While some of the episodes show young girls getting into prostitution, a boy raping his own sister, murdering some relative or colleague with various chemicals and different other ways of killing someone for illicit reasons. The large youth viewership responds well to such crime shows. Its is not only having an impact on the youth and teenagers, but also parents.

Crime Shows do not mean that people start indulging in crime. The consequences are shown, which is important. If it has to negative impact and someone has to indulge in crime, then it will happen irrespective of what they watch. People should wake up and realize that things are anyways happening and they should be aware about them. They should accept the fact that the idea behind these shows is not to sensuationalise any real life issue but to signal the crime that can be occurred. Reel Life should be kept at a stake from Real Life.

– Tanvi Shah

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