Nepal Earthquake 2015 : Emergency Phone Numbers List One Needs To Know






Emergency Numbers

Police / Ambulance
Name Telephone Numbers
Police Control 100
Police Emergency Number 4228435/4226853
Metropolitan Police Range (Kathmandu) 4261945/4261790
Metropolitan Police Range (Lalitpur) 5521207
Metropolitan Police Range (Bhaktapur) 6614821
Paropakar Ambulance Service 4260859
Lalitpur Redcross Ambulance Service 5545666
Bishal Bazar Ambulance Service 4244121
Redcross Ambulance Service 4228094
Agrawal Sewa Centre 4424875
Aasara Drug Rehabilitation Center 01-4384881
Hospital and Others
Name Telephone Numbers
Nepal Eye Bank 4493684
Nepal Eye Hospital 4250691
Tilganga Eye Hospital 4423684
Bir Hospital 4223807/4221988
Nepal Police Hospital 4412430/44122530
TU Teaching Hospital 4412404/4412505
Maternity Hospital 4253276
Teku Hospital 4253396
Patan Hospital 5522278/5522266
Bhaktapur Hospital 6610676
Mental Hospital 5521333
Kanti Children Hospital 4414798/4427452
Kathmandu Model Hospital 4240805
B&B Hospital 5533206
Medicare National Hospital 4467067
Medicare National Hospital – Ambulance 4467067
Nepal Orthopaedic Hospital 4493725
Kathmandu Medical College (Teaching Hospital – Sinamangal) 4476152
Nepal Medical College (Teaching Hospital – Jorpati) 4486008
Kantipur Dental Hospital, Maharajgunj 4371603
Kantipur Hospital, New Baneshwor 4498757
Hospital and Research Centre 4476225
Norvic Hospital 4258554
Martyr Gangalal National Heart Centre 4371322/4371374
Life Care Hospital 4227735
Miteri Hospital 4280555/4222305
Capital Hospital 4244022
Shree Satya Sai Centre 4498035
Bhaktapur Redcross 6612266
National Kidney Centre 4429866/4426016
Fire Brigade 101
Blood Bank 4225344

Source: Nepal Police

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