Nerds flunked and dull students passed? Is that the reality of BMS this year?



With the BMS results out a few weeks back, a lot of speculation has been made regarding the kind of students who passed. So many students who had slogged Day and Night either got a KT or scored very less marks and those who were either dumb or simply lazy; who everybody expected to take a drop came out successful.

 This weird co-incidence has left everyone dumbfounded. People just don’t know how this happened. Maybe it is because the ones who knew they were doomed to a KT worked extra hard and the good students became over-confident. It may also be sheer luck that helped these students to pass and the smart ones to fail.

Bhoodevi Tadkapelly the topper from Chetna College agrees to it. She says, “It surely is the case this year where we have majority of dumb students clearing and the smart ones getting a KT”. Ajay Jaiswal another BMS topper from Guru nanak College, feels that it was the FM paper that ultimately led to the downfall of many students this year. With many of their friends who they expected to pass this year getting a KT, both of them feel crestfallen for these friends who had worked so hard.

This year’s results sent out a very clear message to all BMS students currently in the first two years, study very hard and that is the only solution. Taking anything for granted will surely break your entire efforts of the past 4 semesters and land you down to an E grade.


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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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