‘Never run for marks in life, study only for knowledge’ says Roma Purswani


BMS Team had a chat with Roma Purswani who had completed TYBMS in 2013-14 and stood 1st rank in Thane district by securing 88%. Now she is preparing for UPSC Civil Service exams. Her aim is to become an IAS Officer.


1) What would you wish to change in Indian education system?

In Indian education system, every school and colleges should teach students all the subjects by giving practical knowledge. Even if it is a theory subject, teachers should give tasks to students related to every subject in practical way.

2) What is the mantra for a successful life?

For my success, I follow few success mantras like I never run for marks in life and study only for knowledge. I do my work in a best way and leave the rest to my God and destiny. One result won’t change anyone’s life but the knowledge will be helpful forever. Stay with only with those people who motivate you in a positive way.

3) What do you expect from youth?

As there is competition in the globalized world, youth are too much forward and want all the work should be done soon without hard work. So I request today’s youth that “be with your words, your aim. Do hard work and do not quit”. Once if you fail in any work, that doesn’t mean you will be never successful. Try once or twice or as many times possible and definitely you will get success.

4) Should we follow our passion / follow what others think?

One should follow his / her passion instead of listening to others. No one knows you more than yourself. So don’t let others judge you. Friends, it doesn’t matter if you earn less in your work or you don’t get name or fame in your work, all matters is you should be passionate about what you are doing, get inner happiness and lead a good life.

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