New born Mono mono twins doing well



Twin girls born with a rare condition in Ohio were breathing on their own and their mom said she and her husband were able to hold them on Mother’s Day.

Sarah Thistlethwaite said babies Jillian and Jenna were removed from ventilators Sunday afternoon after they were able to breathe comfortably. She told the media  that she and her husband Bill both were holding them for a while on Mother’s Day.

“It’s just hard to put into words how amazing it feels to know the girls are OK,” she said. “It’s great to know that they’re doing so well, and being able to hold them.”

The identical twin girls were diagonised with “mono mono ” which occurs in about one of every 10000 pregnancies . The twins shared the same amniotic sac and placenta.

They were born Friday at Akron General Medical Center, grasping each other’s hands when doctors lifted them up for their parents to see after delivery.

“They’re already best friends,” said Thistlethwaite, 32. “I can’t believe they were holding hands. That’s amazing.”

Jenna was born first at 4 pounds, 2 ounces and 17 inches, with Jillian following 48 seconds later at 3 pounds, 13 ounces and 17.5 inches.

The girls were born at 33 weeks and two days. Mancuso said there were only minor issues during the pregnancy.

Sometimes the girls would kick the monitors off.

“I don’t know what they’re doing to each other,” Sarah said jokingly of her “sweet girls.”

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Aishwarya Mehta
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