New OS Sailfish, Jolla Smartphone in India



Jolla sounds a little bit weird, and it seems India is the only market left where each one of the smartphone makers wants to launch their devices to get a chunk of the multimillion dollar market. And, also the new style by collaborating with an e- commerce website is in the air. Finnish smartphone company Jolla and e-commerce marketplace Snapdeal today announced an exclusive partnership to launch the Jolla smartphone in India.


Jolla is a new Finnish smartphone running its independent operating system, Sailfish OS. It is based on the heritage of Meego, an open source operating system formerly developed by Nokia among others.

The Jolla smartphone with its distinct button-less design, Sailfish OS gesture-based user experience, and Android application compatibility will be available in India exclusively on Snapdeal within a month, the company said in a statement.

The Jolla smartphone was introduced in Finland in late-November 2013. Currently Jolla smartphones are available all over Europe, and soon in India.

In a market, where big players like Blackberry, HTC are struggling and Samsung has sleepless nights, and it also has Tizen OS on board, it would be great if Sailfish makes its through the ocean like competition!


By Anand Thakkar

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