New Year!


The new Year is going too fast. I hope everyday of the year is considered as the birth of a new life so that we get engrossed in celebration and don’t realize how the time passes. So the biggest advantage of new year is that it makes you the best thing about yourself i.e. ‘life’.

Other benefit of the new year being it makes you think. Well to think is important as in our normal routine we are doing things according to others thinking. We are mere puppets in the stage of the world. New Year empowers us with the power of being the director of the next year. It helps you to decide your own story yourself.

Another joy of new year is that it brings you close to your loved ones. As in forming your plans for the new year you start forming a mental list of people who you want to spend the new year with. Although you may end up spending new year with someone else completely, the feeling of wishing those people in the mental list is priceless.

The best thing you can gift yourself on the new year is the time for yourself as no one else in the world has the power to gift you such a gift. It may in the form of spending on something you don’t usually do.

If you recollect the new years so far and the resolutions you made, you can’t actually remember them. That doesn’t stop us from taking a resolution every year. The whole point of taking a resolution is not achieving it, it is realizing the importance of a particular aspect of your life which you think you are missing. Sometimes even acknowledgement is important.

If all the resolutions you made would have made shall have come true would you have enjoyed life so much like you are doing now. Its really fun at not being perfect.

If you are still not convinced that there is something new about this new year let narrate an anecdote to you.

I was travelling by train from my hometown Nasik to Mumbai, the city where I’m pursuing my graduation on 31st. I really didn’t have any plan of the new year. The journey was not that comfortable as I didn’t have a reserved seat. Finally when Kalyan arrived a group of passengers got down and I got some place to sit comfortably.

I tried to grab some sleep so that I could be awake to spend the new year. My sleep was broken by a beggar with most parts of her body burnt. I was terrified as it was not the most pleasant sights to be woken up with. I usually don’t encourage beggars but she was determined. I asked her to move ahead but she argued that she needed money to celebrate the new year like me celebrating.

I was taken aback by thought of celebrating a year of hope even by a beggar with his body burnt. So if you are depressed just find yourself in the beggars shoes and you will realize that you don’t need a ‘burning desire’ to be happy about the coming year.

Lastly, if your celebration was simple and self-satisfactory be happy about it. As with time you will realize that people who will ask you how did you celebrate your new year are actually the ones who want to show off about their celebrations. They are actually not happy about the fresh annum ahead and are trying to compensate it with materialistic pleasure.

The old year is over,

The new year has arrived,

Celebrate the joy of life,

As a year is always a date which will come and go

How you make this date into a fulfilling day

Is the real talent you have to show!

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