Newsband – Print Partner of Academic Excellence Awards 2015


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In New Bombay, an English news weekly and Newsband, an English daily, are the sister publications.

Ours is a group of newspapers with Nave Shahar, a Marathi daily as its flagship. In New Bombay, an English news weekly and Newsband, an English daily, are the sister publications. Newsband is one newspaper that gives complete coverage to social, cultural and political events in Navi Mumbai. All the periodicals are published under the banner of Kailashchandra Prakashan, a venture of Kailashchandra Dileepkumar Construction Pvt Ltd, previously known as K D & Company.

Kailashchandra Prakashan has also published three books, one each in Hindi, Marathi and English and is open for more. Our parent company is known for its social and charitable activities too. Every year, it distributes Nave Shahar Awards aimed at promoting excellence and encouraging talent in different fields. For the last few years, it has been giving away a Best Journalist, a Best Student, a Best Sportsperson, a Best Artist and a Best Social Services Institution Awards. Each Award comes with a memento, a certificate and a purse. A Best Police Officer and a Best Policeman Awards are also given.

In addition, a number of schools, social, cultural and religious institutions have also been the beneficiaries of its munificence.

Newsband, a morning tabloid, is edited by K R Bhat and published by Kailash Gindodia for owners Kailashchandra Prakashan from
C-90, Vashi Plaza,
Navi Mumbai – 400 705,
Maharashtra, India.

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