Next Up In BMS Education – The Concept Of Being Home Schooled!


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No, they haven’t actually done that, but BMSites the good news is that BMS education has almost reached that level. Yay! With circular on circular coming in from the Mumbai University reducing the status of the course by the day, the concept of being home schooled seems like a better idea as compared to what the University plans to offer!

Let me fill you in, in case you happen to be the Ignorant, All University Trusting, God Fearing, Naive student; the University has been considerate enough to scrap case studies off your head too! I told you it was a Yay moment right in the first paragraph, didn’t I?

They changed 60:40 to 75:25, you didn’t say a word. They scrapped PPT’s and projects, you again remained shut, they canned I.V’s the only saving grace of the entire year, your Industrial Visit was cancelled but you still stayed quiet and now the only tiny hope for your development as something except for being the Chatur of 3 idiots has been taken away as they scrap the Case Study too.

Keep clapping and take a bow, because you are now entitled to become the next Chatur Ramalingam from the movie 3 Idiots! The character who knows the definitions, but doesn’t know anything else at all. The worst part being, your potential employer knows all the definitions himself so why would he bother to recruit you? Is a question you and only you have to answer!

75 marks for your external paper and 25 marks; including case study, internal tests and attendance was what was stated. But now, they take away the case study too and leave you absolutely no where. Why are they doing this, is something only they know but why are you not speaking up and putting up with it is again something only you know.

Speak up or suffer because there is absolutely no way out of this mess without loosing something. It’s your pick now, want to loose out on your education or a few days which you shall spend in negotiating with the university! It’s high time BMSites united for their own good.

The Circular Released By The University:

Meanwhile, do go through these if you haven’t already:

75 : 25 System Into Action For BMS- MU Screwed Us Up Totally This Time!  

(My mistaken judgement, they just did!)

Whats the point of a BMS degree if it cant provide gainful employment?

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  1. What’s wrong with the University ..?
    If such things follow then in course of time BCOM and BMS will be like Brother’s n Sister’s..

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