NMAT 2013 Analysis

NMAT :– 10-12 Verbal Ability Questions!!
Time to hit Norman Lewis Word power made easy ( 7 direct )..
Verbal would be decider in most of exams here on!!
Quantitative Aptitude + Data Interpretation : ( Easy to Moderate ) One ‘representative’ question from each chapter ranging from arithmetic, algebra to modern math and geometry.
(Number system, percentage, profit and loss, time and distance, time and work, geometry, coordinate geometry, averages, ratio and proportion etc.
The Data Interpretation was also standard Tables, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs and 3 other questions based on Data Sufficiency. ( primarily calculative and were based on percentages and ratios )
Verbal Ability: ( Easy ) The 3 RCs were direct and easy, just that they were the only ‘time consuming’ part of the paper. There were 12-13 vocabulary based questions ( CETKing told students VOCAB will be decider )
7-8 grammar based Para jumbles : 3-4 questions
Logical and Analytical Reasoning : (Easy ) Variety of questions : There were questions based on every possible time of reasoning – sequences and series, arrangements, puzzles, coding decoding, direction sense, blood relation based questions, weakening, strengthening, assumption based questions.
All the best for exam!! kick some A&&!
FROM Rahul : CETKing Co Director

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Rav Singh Cetking
Rav Singh is a founder of Cetking Education. He has been conducting strategy and shortcuts classes for CAT, CMAT and other exams in Mumbai and Pune for the last 5 years. For more guidance and interaction join him on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cetkingworkshops


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