NMAT May 2014 Important Dates for UG Programs



NMIMS is going to conduct entrance exam NMAT on 10th May 2014 and 11th May 2014 for candidates who are interested to enroll for three-year degree and five-year integrated degree programmes such as BSc (Economics), MBA (Pharma Tech), BTech, MBA (Tech), BBA, BCom (Hons) for the session 2014.


  1. Candidates applying for the entrance test should have passed 10 + 2 or equivalent with English as a compulsory subject and with Science or Science vocational.
  2. Also, the candidates should have scored at least 50 per cent marks in PCM for Mumbai campuses and 45 per cent marks in PCM for Shirpur campuses.

Important dates:

  • Last date for online registration: April 25
  • Call letters: May 5
  • NMAT (UG) Entrance: May 10 and 11
  • Results: June 6

Test pattern: The objective type multiple-choice entrance test will consist of three sheets: Proficiency in English Language, Quantitative and Numerical Ability, Reasoning and General Intelligence. For any wrong answer, 1/4th of the allotted marks will be deducted.

Test centres:

The test will be held at various centres including Andhra Pradesh (Hyderabad), Gujarat (Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara), Delhi (Delhi NCR, Gurgoan, Noida, Ghaziabad), Karnataka (Bangalore), Madhya Pradesh (Indore, Bhopal), Rajasthan (Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota); Uttar Pradesh (Lucknow, Kanpur), Maharashtra (Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Shirpur, Pune and Nagpur), West Bengal (Kolkata), Tamil Nadu (Chennai), Chattisgarh (Raipur), Punjab (Chandigarh), Orissa (Bhubaneswar); Bihar (Patna), Uttarakhand (Dehradun),  Goa (Panaji).

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