No Pains, No Gains


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            No gains without pains. The proverb really means that we cannot achieve real success in any field without great efforts and sacrifice from our part. Prima-facie it may seem contradictory; for there are people who have gained wealth without any pains whatsoever. When we take the case of son of millionaire, we know how he has come to inherit great fortune without any headache. But we realize these are rare cause of luck, just like man winning a lottery; which need not be counted on. For us it remains a naked truth that success can be won only at the cost of hard work and ceaseless labour.

No pain, No gain. This is particularly true in the case of education. Students, who really aspire great success and scholarship, have to work hard. There is no royal road to learning. A scholar is not born; but made through hard work and perseverance. A student can never become a scholar unless and until he works hard, gives cent percent concentration on his books and studies.

Talents differ. Some are born with great artistic talents or abilities. But it would be foolish to think that for them the path is wide open. Experience teaches us that no natural genius has ever become the master of his art and achieved complete success, who has not cultivated and perfected his talent by untiring industry and constant labour.

The proverb is also true in the business field. In business life success certainly depends very largely on hard work. The business people have to take real risks, great pains. They spent sleepless nights, leisureless life. A business who idles away time; entrusting everything to his subordinates can never be successful in his career. The men who have made great fortunes have all been great hard workers.

“No pains, no gains”, is certainly true of all the different aspects of life. It is also true in character-building. No one is simply naturally very good. A good and noble character is the result of constant sacrifice, patience, effort and struggle. It requires ceaseless efforts to form good habits, to resist temptation, evil companions, bad books and vulgar films and to develop virtues; nothing can be achieved without real efforts for it.



WRITTEN BY Jayshankar R Nair



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CKT College

The Changu Kana Thakur Arts, Commerce and Science College, New Panvel is accredited with grade ’A’ by NAAC, recipient of ’Best College Award’ by University of Mumbai and awarded with ’College with Potential for Excellence Status’ by University Grants Commission. It is located in Khanda Colony at New Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra.


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