No proper guidance for Econometrics? shows you the way!


Financial econometrics

Econometrics as an elective subject is available to the semester 6 students of the BMS course. This subject which is a combination of economics, statistics and mathematics isn’t offered as an option by many colleges. The major reason for its unavailability is the lack of good professors available for this subject.  

It is such a rare subject choice that majority of the classes also don’t provide any lectures. In such a situation for those students who have taken up econometrics, we provide the appropriate guidance; right here! We spoke to Professor Hardik Thakkar from Thakkar Tutorials who gave us his value able inputs that might help you out in studying the subject.


  • Econometrics is a completely new subject for students and without proper guidance it would become very difficult to pass.
  • Even if you are comfortable with your econometrics faculty, you can take help from someone who is well versed in mathematics and statistics to help you out with the sums.
  • This subject has a good combination of Theory and Practical sums pay attention to both equally.
  • Since only one publishing house publishes a textbook for this subject getting a good amount of reading material also becomes difficult. Browse the internet and make notes for as many concepts and answers as you can to increase your reading material.
  • Do solve all the past year papers right from the beginning and ensure that you do those theory questions completely. The second and the third chapter are the toughest ones to crack but once you are through that hurdle the remaining ones aren’t that difficult.
  • Don’t take the sums lightly at all. Ensure that you practice at least 4-5 sums a day. They may seem easy but you might end up confusing if you take them up directly at the time of the exam.
  • The theory is simple to understand but at the time of answering you papers make sure you don’t confuse answers.
  • Last minute studies will definitely not work here, put in as many hours as you can.
  • Study hard and you can surely conquer this subject!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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