Nokia Lumia 1525, Nokia by Microsoft



Rumors say, Microsoft is about to launch the successor to its flagship phablet, the Lumia 1520, under the new ‘Nokia by Microsoft’ and call it the Lumia 1525.

@evleaks says that the Lumia 1525 is a Windows 8.1 powered device and will have a Snapdragon 801 instead of the Snapdragon 800 which is seen on the Lumia 1520. Microsoft is also said to team up with AT&T and Verizon in US as carriers, besides T-Mobile. says that the Nokia lumia 1525 has a 6-inch (1440×2560, 490ppi) touchscreen display, 3GB of RAM, a 3,400mAH battery and support for microSD card. And it claims that there will be a 25 or 30 megapixel camera and some sort of solar-charging display panel; now this is some jaw dropping and eye popping content.

Microsoft is going to launch three new Windows 8.1 devices this year, codenamed ‘Superman’, ‘Mclaren’, ‘Rock’; as per rumors. The rumored Superman will come with a 4.7 inch display and can be expected to launch by end of this year. The smartphone is said to be the company’s first selfie-focused Windows phone. Recently, Sony officially showed up the Xperia C3 “Pro-Selfie” phone; the first selfie-focused phone in the market. HTC is also rumored to work on a smartphone of the same type.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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