Objectives Of Public Relations


The main objective of public relations is to establish good understand-

ing by sharing a common problem or interest with the public. By public we

here mean both an internal public and a public external to the organisation.

Mutual understanding can be established only by sharing a common

interest, by communication and relations.

However, the following are the broad objectives of public relations:


1. To promote mutual understanding.

2. To avoid the risk involved in misunderstanding.

3. To win friends.

4. To influence people.

5. To change the behaviour and attitude of the public.

6. To enhance the patronage from the various sections.

7. To help in fund raising.

8. To persuade individuals, groups etc.

9. To connect misconceptions and clarify on criticism of its policies

and practices.

10. To promote goodwill.

11. To  create and maintain the image or reputation about the  company.

12. To forestall attack by the competitors or opponents.

13. To undertake a public relations education program.

14. To help the public to love life and work for better or for worse

without conditions.

15. To improve internal staff relations.

16. To liaise, counsel and advise.

17. To provide information about the activities of the company to the

press and writers.

18. To prepare and supply the public with information about the

organisation like price, quality, export, employment, and other

special features.

19. To ascertain public opinion, conduct opinion research, and under-


stand public attitudes on the organisation, profession and practice.

20. To sponsor dealer and distributor relations schemes.

21. To undertake programmes like sales training courses for retailers, wholesalers.

22. To establish press relations, publicity articles preparation, press release, photographs.

23. To communicate with the employees on their benefits, accident prevention  labour relations and collective bargaining.

24. To undertake a campaign of public education about an industry or profession and its contribution to the public.

25. To establish relations with federal and state legislators, agencies.


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