Observation Method



Observation method (observational research) is one extensively used method of primary data collection. Observation research means gathering of primary data by observing relevant people, actions and situations. According to Oxford Dictionary, observation means “accurate watching and noting of phenomena as they occur in nature with regard to cause and effect or mutual relation”. It is the classical method of investigation widely practiced by scientists and social investigators. Here, consumer behaviour is observed directly and conclusions are drawn. As a result, the defects inherent in direct questioning are avoided.


Observation method is more objective as it is based on accurate watching and noting the details of behaviour of consumers. It eliminates subjective element encountered with questionnaire method. Observation means “an act of recognizing and noting/acts a/occurrences.” Personal behaviour of respondents can be observed with the help of observation. A consumer packaged goods marketer for example, may send his representative to supermarkets and observe shoppers as they look at the product, examine the packages and make actual buying decisions.


Observation involves recording of events/actions as they take place in the environment. Here, data are collected by observing consumers involved in an activity in their natural environment. Consumers are not aware that they are being observed / watched by the observer stationed in the shop for this purpose. He records his observations about the behaviour of customers without their knowledge. Naturally, the data collected are accurate and dependable. A consumer may be observed while purchasing soap or toothpaste at a retail shop.


Observation is also possible while selecting a specific product or brand. Here, the behaviour of the consumer at a market place is studied in detail. Naturally, co-operation of respondents is not necessary. It is the observer who takes the notes of things as they happen. In the observation method, the researcher records “what is happening rather than what has happened or what is going to happen.”


Observation method can be used to study customer movement, customer responses in retail shops, stock audit in retail stores and sales technique. However, interview may be used as a follow-up to get additional information. In fact, observationacts as a good supplement to other methods used for data collection. For instance, customers are observed buying toothpaste or soap in small packets instead of large packages. They may be asked why they prefer small packages rather than large packages.


Observation is a process of noting people, objects and occurrences rather than directly asking for information. For example, instead of asking consumers what brand they buy, the researcher arranges to observe their behaviour at the sales counter and the way in which they select a particular brand. In addition, hidden video cameras, one-way mirrors, assessment of wear and tear of flooring in display areas are some more methods used in mechanical observation. Closed video monitoring is a common technique used in the observation method of primary data collection.


Scientific observation is always purposeful, economical and immensely useful to researcher. The observers appointed should be skilled, properly trained and instructed. Such observation of consumers is possible in the retail shops, co-operative stores and also in the departmental stores where large number of consumers come frequently.


In the observation method, more stress is on noting, watching and understanding and not on asking questions. Observation is possible through individual observers (live observation) or through mechanical devices like audiometer. In personal observation, the researcher poses as a customer and observes others. In mechanical observation, eye cameras or scanners are used.


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