ONE DAY In The Life Of A BMS Student!



Getting up late and quickly frisking off to the journey to reach the class on time is an everyday trauma. But it’s different for a BMS student…being a late comer doesn’t suits a future manager. But hey, we are students so please do not expect those professionals stride from us right now. We have to face the corporate world in our coming bright awaited years anyway. But getting into class, attending lectures and waiting for it till the end. Naah, that’s not our cup of tea. Swimming in tasks, events, projects, presentations, researching, reviving and learning and also living a heck of life completes our one day. We never ever survive in one place for many hours, we need to keep on moving working and being productive. Our minds are never stable and there is always a new idea or query popping out of our head. A day without the newspaper or the trending things is already a dead start. And dying in this boredom doesn’t suits us. Exploring is our mantra and visualizing things are our hobbies. Winning everyone with an outstanding idea and experimenting it with a stiff presentation is the take of a BMS Student.

We management jerks make our life happening everyday- not because we love it, because our syllabus and the frame of management allows us to do this itself. We are not the dump bookworms but the sparkling extroverts. Born to be future managers we start our BMS journey enthusiastically and the enthusiasm never turns cold. It always rages high and is ignited to fire.


Our single One day consist of various tasks which we adopt selfly and happily – since BMS is not a conceptual but practical course. It teaches us to manage our life and things first. Taking up challenges and being creative is our passion and fearing is strictly not allowed.

Having a boring life means having a boring day – your each day sums up your life and you decide how happy you are. BMS students adopt many things to do in one day, they are restless. We all attend colleges and we all study. But getting into events, internships, managing an event’s department, following passion and such other things – defines BMS Students.

We wish if there were more than just 24 hours in a day so that we could complete our work and also bear some time for ourselves resting and taking naps. Working and being engaged into several worthful works give us happiness and much more than that. We are always greedy to learn and experience something new and happening. Being busy purposely so that when we turn into real life managers – things would be like a cake walk. We feel stressed at the beginning since it’s new but we learn our strengths and weaknesses like all and get surprised at our pushed limits.

A single day consists of many several efforts right from learning to presenting. You cannot gulp those ice-creams because you might spoil your voice for your next day’s presentation, waiting after lectures to manage or discuss about an upcoming event or project, sit in the library making assignments and analyisation reports, or enjoying a friend’s treat in the canteen. We have a fulsome day. Stepping in the class proudly with those formals makes you feel “the manager” for some minutes 😀 while winning a competition makes you proud.


 Returning home and preparing notes for the exams and finding creative ways to write an answer, surfing the internet to grab extra marks. This all consume up our day fruitfully. We have an opinion on every issue and feel the need of a proper manager where ever we find mis-management. We think we are the management Gurus and managing anything is a work of cutting papers for us. We live on newspapers, magazines, books and all knowledge providing material. We have the urge to be completely updated from top to toe and have information on almost everything and not only the things that interest us. You never know which information will be useful to answer the unusual questions in class. We are creative and sometimes lazy. Boasting off proudly to others that I am a Management Student makes us feel little over the top and bruise ourselves with some brush of pride.

Whereas only we know how tough it becomes to manage life and work and studies and college = altogether. But it’s the cry of some minutes and we are motivated back to take off and start the race. We learn the corporates – the things which manage to take out our “awe” reactions when teachers present them but we know how tough it’s going to be when performed in real. We always imagine ourselves working in a corporate office – managing calls, files, meetings, orders, presentations, every day targets, reporting and work. It makes us fall more with BMS and we feel proud to be a part of it.  🙂


This imaginations help us to keep our wheels rolling and accepting new challenges and also challenging our own limits. Being teacher’s boy/girl isn’t something which we do neither do we get into gossips. We are well known for our leadership qualities and contributing the good to the society. Always in greed to pleasure a new experience and concentrate on our resume builders all these three electrifying years of BMS. Going to IVs is not only fun for us like others. We are keen about the place, work and cheque out everything as an inspection. Studying the real, practical truth makes senses to us. We not only crave for knowledge but believe in quality education. Trying our fields in all fields is fun as management itself has a huge scope – we are the ones who aspire to know about all whether it’s marketing of a product or the production, about the finance department or the HR manager we have our knowledge trackers everywhere.

And that’s what makes a BMS Students single one day different from all.





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