“One should do only one work at a time” says Abid Shaikh, Bhavna Trust College TYBMS Topper 2013


An Interview with Abid Shaikh, TYBMS Sem 5 Topper, Bhavna Trust College (73%)




I am Abid Shaikh from Bhavna Trust College, Deonar (Govandi). I am very friendly and bindaas in nature. I love to manage any kind of challenging tasks and that’s why I chose BMS. I thank Allah for my success in exams and also my parents, teachers and lovely friends to achieve this. I am very religious in nature and I believe that whatever I am today only because of Allah. I had made a timetable to study for 5 hours per day. In that I used to practice FM for 2 hours, SSF for 1 hour and remaining time for other subjects. For Financial Management and Special Studies in Finance, please guys do regular practice and attend all the lectures. I don’t think coaching classes are necessary for all subjects except FM and SSF and I had also joined classes. I love to attend seminars, fests or sports events. I didn’t find any difficulty in managing both studies and extracurricular. I think if I can manage, any BMSite can manage it. I believe “One should do only one work at a time.” Students who commit suicides are losers. Suicides are not means to overcome stress or problems in life. They must practice and develop self-confidence because if we have self-confidence then we would never give up any task. I loved to go to Industrial Visits and I want that University must increase the number of industrial visits. I visited Karnatak Cotton Industry in Bangalore and Saras Milk Co. in Jaipur. I don’t think BMS students are flooded with assignments and all. We are doing a professional course and so things cannot be easy like B.Com and syllabus is good. BMS students should not feel burden to study. If you feel that please overcome any problem and make some new ways to understand things. After BMS, I want to do MBA (Finance). BMS.co.in is doing an amazing job by the constant updates and the well-being of the students. It acts as an aid for all the students who have completed BMS. Keep it up. May Lord bless you. 🙂

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