ONGC Graduate Trainee Recruitment Exam Results 2014 Expected Soon!



Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) will release Graduate Trainee recruitment exam results 2014 in its official website soon.

Candidates have to log on to the official website at Click the link titled as Graduate Trainee Recruitment exam results 2014. Enter reg no and other details as instructed. Submit the data entered. Graduate Trainee Recruitment exam results 2014 will appear on the screen.

Graduate Trainee Recruitment exam was held at various examination centres on 22nd June 2014. ONGC earlier released a recruitment notification of 842 vacancies for Graduate Trainee posts and invited candidates to apply for the mentioned posts through online mode. Candidates will be selected based on this written exam and will be called for interview later.

Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited is a oil and gas company under Public Sector and comes under the administrative control of the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. Around 69% of crude oil and 62% of natural gas is produced by ONGC.

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