Onion Insights Pvt. Ltd.





Company Profile:

ONION INSIGHTS PVT. LTD. is a Global Customer Experience Measurement (CEM) company driven by the vision and commitment of our people. We provide innovative and customised programs to measure your customer’s experience using various tools of Mystery Shopping (Mystery Audits, Mystery Calls, Integrity Check, Competition Assessments), Customer Satisfaction Programs (Telephone Interviews, Exit Interviews, Intercepts, Email and Web Feedback) and Employee Satisfaction. Our programs offer valuable insights on how you can Refine and Redefine your Business Goals to provide optimum customer service and move your customers from being satisfied to loyal and from loyal to being an advocate for your Brand. As your Strategic Business Partners, we work for your success!


Headquartered in Mumbai, our team of professionals, with a total experience of 12 years in the global customer service measurement industry, caters to niche clients across India, Middle East and Asia from various industries – Hospitality, Food & Beverage, Automotive, Banking & Finance, Retail, Telecom, Education, IT, Beauty & Cosmetics, FMCG, etc.



Meet the HR of Onion Insights Pvt. Ltd. @ BMS Job Fair 2013 in VESIMSR, Chembur on 31st May 2013 (10am to 5pm)


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