Online Dating! Wanna Know Seriously If It Is That ‘Cool’?


online dating

With people turning into technology addicts and the people around the globe coming closer due to improvisation of technology, people have discovered a new method of dating- ONLINE DATING!

Today hundreds of sites have thousands of users registered to find their compatible better half. But the question that rises is that- does it really help? How different is the experience of finding a partner through socializing online? How long does this love last? Is the decision taken depending upon the looks alone or other features such as hobbies, interests, habits are also taken into consideration? Is it correct? Is it safe? Does it have an effect on our privacy? And so on as the number of questions is unlimited.

In Indian culture a child’s mentality is conditioned by their parent’s right from the days of childhood that their better halves would be selected by the elders, and our society does not allow children to take such big decisions of their life.

And now with the introduction of smartphones, better networking technology has explored new horizons. As we all know the coin has two sides therefore everything in life also has two different effects the positive and negative. If you have experienced a positive effect it is not necessary that everyone will go through the same.

Online dating has many people in finding their compatible match. Some people fall in love the week they meet. Their likes and dislikes are similar and if they aren’t they may have a nature which irresistible. Many of them take the relationship further by marrying each other and living happily ever after.

But it also has the flip side which is a kind of has a negative impact on people. There are some people who use these sites only for their time pass and if by chance the person they are dating happens to be an emotional human they suffer a lot which leads to adverse effects. As these sites are open for all and anyone can make their account just by carrying out a few steps it is easy for the criminals to use it as a tool for fooling girls and taking advantage of them.

Therefore it is not that online dating is bad or always gives you a negative experience it’s just about acting sensibly and understanding the person more than getting trapped in his/her lovable conversations.

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Afifa Qureshi