Guys seems too much anxiety about tom paper. Some quick tips.
1. Assignment do well. Balanced maximum and restricted types
2. Transportation if it comes as a 7.5 marks than may be just modi where vam is solved. If case study than vam plus modi
3. Decision theory mostly those numerical to frame the payoff matrix and then getting emv etc unlikely. However regular sums like computing emv eppi etc are sure. Decision tree 100 percent.
4. Graphical lpp sure. Simplex 99.99 percent only a maximisation sum of 2 variables and either 2 or 3 equations expected. If lpp case than regular sums on optimality etc 99.99 percent questions on sensitivity and range calculation not expected
5. Pert sure question. Cpm do floats and ES EF L’S LF. Crashing sure with indirect cost sum.
Theory just do last 3 4 years papers that should suffice.
For any further information feel free to call me. I am available on my phone till u r exam starts.
Don’t take undue tension. Paper would be simple.
Take care. All the best. Love you all loads.
Vipin saboo
Indain management thought