The OR question paper would have the following pattern. Theory questions are not expected.
Q1:- LPP
A. Formulation and solve by graphical/simplex
B. Formulation and solve by simplex
C. Equations would be given and solve by simplex
Q2:- Transportation/Assignment
A. VAM/Northwest/Least cost sum to be formulated and solved. Modi to be done to check optimality. Check for degeneracy
B. VAM solved and allocations given, MODI to be done to check optimality. Check for degeneracy
C. Assignment maximization or minimization type sum. Check whether balanced or unbalanced
Q3. Networking
A. Draw a network diagram and compute CPM, Floats
B. Draw network, 3 time estimate so solve the calculated time, find variance and SD of the path, PERT
C. Crashing. Indirect cost may be given
Q4. Decision theory
A. Prepare a payoff table and compute EMV, EVPI, EPPI and EOL. Insome cases pay off table would be prepared and given
B. Decision tree. If cost/expenditures are given, the same needs to be subtracted form the respective payoff
C. Alternatives given and compute Maximax, Maximin, laplace, minimax regret and alpha
Q5. Case study
one of the following is expected
A. Simplex (partially solved table and then 5-6 questions on the table)- Highly expected
B. Crashing (may be combined with CPM and float calculations)Highly expected
D. transportation VAM solved, allocations given, Do MODI for checking optimality and then answer some questions based on the table. It came last year so might not be asked this time.
Best of luck.
For any doubts, get in touch with Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873