Oppo N1: Smartphone With A Rotating Camera


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With so many variants in smartphones from big players like Samsung, HTC, Sony, Nokia, there is a Chinese firm which is in new with a product which may result in jaw drops and eye pops. Chinese company Oppo has announced the availability of its new smartphone N1 from December 10. The tech world is awaiting the release of this 5.9 inch phablet with innovative features. Here are three distinct features that make this device stand out:

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1)    Rotating Camera:

This device has the world’s first rotating camera that rotates 206 degrees which ensure front shots as good as back shots. The 13-megapixel camera has six physical lenses and an f/2.0 aperture. This lets you to take clear photos even in the dark. Twisting the camera module automatically activates the camera app and the module will securely lock at any angle.

2)    O – Touch:

LG’s G2 began putting the back panel to better use mounting buttons there. Now N1 is coming out with a 12cm square touch panel on the back. It can be used to scroll through web pages, tap open apps and links, and also control the camera’s shutter.

3)    O – Click:

O-Click lets you remotely operate the N1 camera. This keyring-like device helps you find the misplaced phone by setting off an alarm. O-Click fits on your keychain and supports a range of upto 50 meters, staying connected to your N1 via Bluetooth (BLE).


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Oppo is launching this device with its own Android version caller Color. Users can also install CyanogenMod custom firmware directly from the phone’s stock recovery. It will also produce a limited edition N1 which runs on standard CyanogenMod OS. What is CyanogenMod? It’s an open source replacement distribution for smartphones and tablets on the Android OS.

–         By Anand Thakkar

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