Organisational Development – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016


Organisational Development – Revised TYBMS Syllabus 2016

Modules at a Glance

SN Modules No. of Lectures
 1  International HRM – An Overview  15
 2  Global HRM Functions  15
 3  Managing Expatriation and Repatriation  15
 4  International HRM Trends and Challenges  15
 Total  60

Organisational Development – Syllabus Overview

SN Modules/ Units
 1  Organisational Development – An Overview
a) Organisational Development – An Overview:

• Organisational Development – Meaning, Features, Evolution, Components, Objectives, Principles, Process, Importance
• Relevance of Organisational Development for Managers, OD- HRD Interface, Participation of Top Management in OD
• OD Practitioner – Meaning, Role of OD Practitioner, Competencies of an OD Practitioner
• Emerging Trends in OD
• OD in Global Setting

 2  Organisational Diagnosis, Renewal and Change
a) Organisational Diagnosis, Renewal and Change:

• Organisational Diagnosis – Meaning, Need, Phases, Levels of Organisational Diagnosis, Techniques of Organisational Diagnosis, Tools used in Organisational Diagnosis
• Organizational Renewal, Re-energising, OD and Business Process ReEngineering (BPR), OD and Leadership Development
• Organisational Change- Meaning, Organisational Life Cycle, Planned Change, Organizational Growth and its Implication for Change
• Change Agents- Meaning, Features, Types, Role, Skills required

 3  OD Interventions
a) Managing Expatriation and Repatriation

• OD Interventions- Meaning, Features, Factors Affecting Success of Interventions, Steps in OD Interventions
• Types of Interventions- Human Resource Intervention, Structural Intervention, Strategic Interventions, Third Party Peace Making Intervention
• Techniques of OD Intervention :

# Traditional: Sensitive Training, Grid Training, Survey Feedback.
# Modern : Process Consultation, Third Party, Team Building, Transactional Analysis

• Evaluation of OD Interventions : Process, Types, Methods, Importance

 4  OD Effectiveness
a) OD Effectiveness:

• Issues Faced in OD- Issues Related to Client Relationship, Power-Individual skills and Attributes as a Source of Power, Power and Influence Tactics, Politics and OD
• Values in OD – Meaning, Professional Values, Value Conflict and Dilemma
• Ethics in OD – Meaning, Factors Influencing Ethical Judgement, Ethical Guidelines for OD Professionals
• Organisational Effectiveness- Meaning , Effectiveness v/s Efficiency, Approaches of Organisational Effectiveness : Goal Approach, System Resource Approach, Strategic Constituency Approach, Internal Process Approach; Parameters for Judging Organisational Effectiveness, Ways to Enhance Organisational Effectiveness

Reference books for subject: Organisational Development

Organisational Development : ~ 
1. Dr. Mrs. Anjali Ghanekar, Essentials of Organisation Development, Everest Publishing House
2. French,W.L. and Bell, C.H., Organisation Development, Prentice-Hall, New Delhi,1995.
3. Harvey, D.F. and Brown, D.R., An Experimental Approach to Organization Development, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs,N.J.,1990
4. Cummings, T. G. & Worley, C. G. (2009).Organization Development and Change (9th edition). Canada: South-Western Cengage Learning
5. Thomas G. Cummings and Christopher G. Worley, Organization Development and Change, Thomson South-Western, 8th Edition 2004.
6. Cummings, T. G., Theory of Organization Development and Change, South Western.
7. Ramanarayan, S. and Rao, T.V., Organization Development: Accelerating Learning and Transformation, 2nd Edition, Sage India, 2011.
8. Richard L, Organisation, Theory, Change and Design , India Edition(Cenage Learning)
9. Garath R Jones, Mary Mathew , Organisation Theory, Design and Change: Sixth Edition, Pearson
10. Wendell L French, Cecil H Bell, Jr, Veena Vohra ,Organisation Development , Sixth Edition, Pearson Education


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