Organising committee – Power of working in Kiran 2013 team


Coming together is beginning,
Keeping together is progress,
Working together is SUCCESS.

Let it be a cricket that the country enjoys watching, or the Government that runs the country, to achieve big you’ve to be a TEAM-Together Everybody Achieves More.
At KIRAN, the students work as a team in professional way, by following the seniors and taking along the juniors.The seminar is conducted with at most hopes and positive energy.
For better functionality, the students are divided into various groups known as committee’s which performs their designated task. Everything is coordinated by the  most adroit Ms. Mona Bhatia,Vice principal of the Self- Finance section and Coordinator of the BMS section.
There are various committee’s named marketing,creativity,IT, security etc.
The committee’s are head by their respective heads. Everything is planned well in advance. Students work together with a self-goal, aiming to succeed.
The ratio of WE’s to I’s is the best indicator for the development of the team.
At KIRAN they try to maximize this ratio because Individually we are One drop, but together We are an Ocean.
This year KIRAN 2013 is scheduled on 10th of August,10 am-2 pm at Prabhodan Thackrey Hall., Borivali(W) Mumbai 92.

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