Organizational Barriers to Communication


Organizational Barriers to Communication

Organizational barriers arise due to defect in the organization structure and the communication system of an organization. These are as follows:-

(i)            Long Chain of Command: – When the scalar chain is unduly long, distance between top manager and worker increases. As a result the downwards, upwards messages have to pass through several level causing delay and distortions. Long chain of command also causes the problem of filtering.

(ii)          Poor Spatial Arrangements (Poor Layout): – Faulty arrangement of furniture, partition, pathways, etc. prevents eye contact between the speaker and the listener. Spatial arrangement also creates emotional disturbances. Spatial arrangements may also be interpreted as status symbol causing further problem in communication.

(iii)         Inappropriate Medium: – there can be barrier of communication between the employees working in the organization if the unsuitable medium of communication is being selected. For instance if a boss wants to complement his employee than he must do it face to face rather then any other medium.


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