Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper 1



Hey SYBMSites, Question papers will help you clear main semester exam with ease. Today’s set of question paper on ‘Organizational Behaviour’ will contain only 5-10 questions for your practice.

  1. Why learning and behavior modification are equally essential in the life of an organization? Elaborate he role of reinforcement with regard  to shaping behavior – 7.5 marks
  2. How groups evolve as teams? Describe the 5 stage group development model. – 7.5 marks
  3. Stress is a common phenomenon among individuals. What are the factors that influence an individual’s experience of stress? Can stress be effectively managed? Explain. – 7.5 marks
  4. Although it is said that change is the only permanent thing existing today, majority of us have a tendency to resist it. Why? What can organizations do to overcome this resistance? – 7.5 marks
  5. Describe a situation in which a) you had the power to influence the behavior of another person and b) another person had the power to influence you. In each case, explain the sources of power applied. – 7.5 marks
  6. Write a note on Managerial Grid – 7.5 marks
  7. What are the dimensions of Organizational Culture? – 7.5 marks
  8. Explain Emotional Intelligence. – 7.5 marks
  9. Write a note on Operant Conditioning and work behavior. – 7.5 marks

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