Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 3


Organization Behaviour

Organizational Behaviour or OB is a subject area that is devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving the attitudes and behaviors of individuals and groups in firms or organizations. OB explores the relationship between learning and job performance whereas HRM or Human Resource Management examines the best ways to structure training programs in order to promote employee learning.

Here we present Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 3:

Q.1) What is perception? What does the perceptual process involve? Describe a situation where you had a conflict with another person arising out of error in perception? What could you have done differently? – 15 marks

Q.2) Discuss how behavior modification can be effective tool in shaping behavior in organizations? Suppose you are a production incharge in a manufacturing firm. How can you use the principles of OB modification to change your subordinates behavior.  – 15 marks

Q.3) Write short note on Hershey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Model. – 7.5 marks

Q.4) Explain the causes of political behavior. 15 marks

Q.5) What are the schedules of reinforcement? – 15 marks

Q.6) What are the characteristics of High EQ Persons? – 7.5 marks

Q.7) What is big 5 model? – 7.5 marks

Q.8) What are substitutes and neutralizers for leadership? – 15 marks

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