Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 4


organization behavior

Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 4

Q.1) What are the Myers-Briggs type indicators of Personality and how they affect the individual behavior at the work place? – 7.5 marks

Q.2) What is group cohesiveness? How can it be important for the organization? What are the contingency theories of leadership? How do these theories helpful in resolving the crisis in the organization? – 15 marks

Q.3) Why is it important to stimulate conflict in organizations? What are the various techniques by which conflict can be stimulated? – 7.5 marks

Q.4) What type of political strategies are used to attain power in organizations? In an organizational setting, give an example of a situation in which you think it is ethical to use power and political behavior and an example of a situation in which you think it is unethical to use power an political behavior – 15  marks

Q.5) How does Leadership differ from Management? Describe an effective and ineffective leader you know of and identity the traits, behaviours and style of these leaders – 7.5 marks

Q.6) Explain the following by quoting examples wherever necessary: (any 3*5 marks  15)

a) Emotional Intelligence

b) Changing Attitudes

c) Complementary vs Crossed Transactions

d) Negative Reinforcement vs Punishment

e) Charismatic vs Transformational Leaders.

f) Functional Conflict

g) Kurt Lenin’s three force model

Q.7) What are the different types of perceptual judgements about others a manager should understand and avoid? Explain with the help of examples. – 15 marks

Q.8) What behavioural predictions would you make for an employee who has: 15 marks

a) an external locus of control

b) a high Mach score

c) A type A personality


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