Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 5


organization behavior

Job performance and organizational commitment is given utmost importance in the study of Organizational Behaviour. There are several specific behaviours that, when taken together, constitute good job performance and similarly, there are a number of beliefs, attitudes, and emotions that cause an employee to remain committed to an employer. You understand the relationships between motivation and performance and motivation and commitment in the subject.

Here we present Organizational Behaviour Practice Question Paper Set 5:

Q.1) Discuss Adam’s equity theory of motivation? How will you apply Adam’s equity theory of motivation to yourself as a student. – 15 marks

Q.2) What are factors that influence the personality of an individual. Discuss the different types of personality traits which an individual can possess? – 15 marks

Q.3) Write short notes on any 3: – 15 marks

a) Perceptual errors

b) Emotional intelligence

c) Bases of power

d) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Q.4) What do you understand by organizational conflict? Why is the understanding of johari window and transactional analysis important for organizations? – 15 marks

Q.5) What do you think is more important in a leader-behaviour or traits? Discuss the Fielder’s contingency theory of leadership?

Q.6) Think of a group that you belonged to recently? What were the dysfunctions that the group encountered in its functioning? What was done to address the dysfunctional aspects of the group? – 15 marks

Q.7) Some people say that conflict is inherently bad while others find it desirable? Which view of conflict do you subscribe to? How can managers stimulate conflict in their organizations? – 15 marks

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