ORKUT To Be Shut Down Officially!



Nostalgic moment, bidding an adieu to old things is difficult. Remember how many days you might have spent chatting with friends and writing scraps. The good old days of Orkut!

Google has announced that Orkut will be officially shut down on 30th of September to focus on its other social networking initiatives. Orkut is widely used in India and Brazil but hasn’t caught more broadly access across the rest of the world. Orkut was launched in early 2004, the same year that Facebook, now the world’s No. 1 social network with 1.28 billion users, was founded.

Orkut may have lost its popularity battle against Facebook, but Google’s original social network was bigger than Facebook in emerging markets such as Brazil and India just a couple of years ago. Orkut’s growth and popularity did not last long, had to struggle against rival Facebook as it emerged to be the most powerful social media network for billions. Before this drop down, Google has also shut down lots of other services. Google discontinued Google Schemer, Google Reader, IGoogle and Google Postini, Google News, Google Health, Google News, Google Badges, Google Buzz, etc. Socially active people would mourn about the shut down but not all would be affected with this move from the search giant.


–         By Anand Thakkar


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