Our Prime Minister ‘NaMo’ Receives Autobiography From A Retired Lieutenant JFR Jacob


Retired Lieutenant JFR Jacob presents his books “An Odyssey in War and Peace” and “Surrender at Dacca” to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.The books are the retired warrior’s autobiography and experiences during the wars.

Few facts on the events are:

  1. The event occured on 16th december.
  2. The occasion was also attend by three service chiefs.
  3. “On this historic day, glad to have met Lt. General (Retd.) JFR Jacob, known for his impeccable service to the Army,” the Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted this on a social media website.”I thank Lt. General (Retd.)Jacob for presenting me with his books, “An Odyssey in War and Peace” and “Surrender at Dacca”,” he further tweeted.


Few facts on (Rtd.) Lieutenant JFR Jacob are :

  1. He has had a career in the army for almost 36 years.
  2. In the Indo-Pakistan war in 1971 and during liberation of Bangladesh he played an integral role.
  3. He has also fought in World War II and the Indo-Pakistan Warin 1965.
  4. He has also served as the Chief of Staff of the Indian Army’s Eastern Command during various war.
  5. He has also participated in the Indian Politics by being a Governor in the state of Goa and Punjab.

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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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