Oxfam India looking for 10 Marketing Executives




Oxfam is marking its 61st year in India this year.  Oxfam India, a fully independent Indian organization (with Indian staff and an Indian Board) is a member of a global confederation of 17 Oxfams.

The Oxfams are rights-based organizations that fight poverty and injustice by linking grassroots programming (through partner NGOs) to local, national and global advocacy and policy-making. All of Oxfam’s work is framed by our commitment to five broad rights-based aims: the right to a sustainable livelihood, the right to basic social services, the right to life and security, the right to be heard and the right to equality: gender and diversity.

Oxfam India’s vision is to create a more equal, just, and sustainable world. The overarching vision of Oxfam India is “right to life with dignity for all‘‘. Oxfam India will ful fill its vision by empowering the poor and marginalized to demand their rights, engaging the non poor to become active and supportive citizens, advocating for an effective and accountable state and making markets work for poor and marginalized people.


 No. of Vacancies: 10
Profile: Marketing Executive
Average CTC p.a. – 1.5 to 1.8 lac
Job Location – Andheri (East)
Meet the HR of Oxfam India @ BMS Job Fair 2013 at VESIMSR, Chembur on 31st May 2013 between 10am to 5pm.

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