Pairing The Right Top With Your Long Skirt!


long skirt

Long skirts are gorgeous, sophisticated and perfect for keeping you cool during the hot summer temperatures. It is important though, to combine them with the right top, so it doesn’t look religious, outdated or monotonous. There are a wide range of skirts in front of you in different patterns,of distinct designs so pairing it with the right top might be a task for you.

Check out which type of top goes with which kind of long skirt and incorporate them while you dress up:-

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TYPE OF SKIRT: Indian-inspired long skirt.
TOP: Peasant shirt that shows your shoulders and a beautiful light scarf.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Patterned long skirt.
TOP: Long sleeve unicolor shirt with a big belt.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Long skirt with patches.
TOP: Fitted unicolor cotton top.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Peasant long skirt.
TOP: Pick one of the colors of the skirt and wear a unicolor tank top.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Pleated long skirts.
TOP: Fitted blouse with beautiful and delicate necklace.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Loose lycra long skirts.
TOP: Cotton top with a blazer.

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TYPE OF SKIRT: Long skirt with seam details.
TOP: ¾ sleeve cotton tank with a structured piece such as a jean vest.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Long skirt with ruffles.
TOP: Contrast is key. Pick a color that contrasts the skirt and wear a tube tank. Also add a jacket with a rough look such as leather to contrast the delicacy of the skirt.

TYPE OF SKIRT: Corduroy long skirt.
TOP: Loose cotton or cashmere top with long necklaces.
Pair them in these ways and celebrate the sophistication and feminity of long skirts.They can never look outdated if you pair them well.Even if they go out of fashion,you’ll be able to pull them off too.That also with too much swag!


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Riya Lokhande


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