Palazzos – Adding A Dimension Of Glamour To Your Look



The season rings in glamour and welcomes the comfy palazzo pants which look really trendy when worn right.Here are tips which will help you embrace this 80 ‘ s fashion and look great :-

Fabric: Make sure you pick the right fabric and colour for the look you want to sport. For a feminine look opt for flowy silks in pretty pastels. Stiff fabrics such as linen and cotton work if you are aiming for a chic and sharp look.

Top: Irrespective of what fabric and colour you choose for your pants, your top plays an important role in getting the right look. Pair a fitted-top with a jacket for a neat look. You could also team your palazzo pants with a romantic flowy top for a feminine look.

Choose the right waist: Pay attention to the length of your waist. High-waisted pants should be worn with shorter tops or tops tucked in and longer tops with low-waisted pants.

Accessorise: Palazzo pants are very versatile and can be worn in different ways according to the occasion. Keep it casual and feminine with your favourite tee and ballet flats and go formal with an elegant blouse, clutch and heels.

Make up: Keep the make-up simple with warm and natural colour palette to allow your statement trousers to stand out.

Prints: Avoid small prints and opt for bold prints or no prints at all. To play safe, go for light colors.

So keep all these things in mind and you are look all set to exude elegance and look stunning with the palazzo trend.

– Misbaah Mansuri

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Riya Lokhande


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