Paper Pattern of Financial Management
Section I |
All Questions are Compulsory
Q.1) 5 Concept Testing contains 1 Mark each = 5M
Q.2 a) Attempt any 2 problem out of 3. Each problem Contains 5 = 10 M
b) 1 Problem = 15 Marks |
Section 2 |
Attempt any Three.
Q.3) Problem = 10 M
Q.4) Problem = 10 M
Q.5) Problem = 10 M
Q.6) 2 Short note. Each note contains 5 Marks = 10 M |
Paper Pattern of Special Studies in Finance
Section I All Questions are Compulsory
Q.1) 5 Concept Testing contains 1 Mark each = 5M
Q.2 a) Attempt any 2 problem out of 3. Each problem Contains 5 = 10 M
b) 1 Problem = 15 Marks
Section 2 Attempt any Three.
Q.3) Problem = 10 M
Q.4) Problem = 10 M
Q.5) Problem = 10 M
Q.6) 2 Short note. Each note contains 5 Marks = 10 M
Facebook comments:
my question is what is the paper pattern for hrm,fm,and other subject
would be updated soon 🙂
Ssf pattern paper updated please
is this the right paper pattern theory is only for 15 marks???
the paper pattern changes on a yearly basis
what is the paper pattern of other subject like mrkt, hrm etc.
what about other subjects like service sector mgt,business ethics.plz reply soon