Paper Pattern of TYBMS Sem 6 Subjects

TY BMS Semester VI

1. Securities & Portfolio Management
2. International Finance
3. Operations Research (more of numericals)

4. Econometrics (more of numericals)

Paper Pattern
Section I Concept Testing 15 Marks (Theory) Case Studies (Mix of Theory and Numerical Calculations) 15 Marks.
Section 2 Out of 5 Questions Any 3 are to be answered. (10 Marks x 3) 3 Questions are theoretical and 2 are numerical problems.

Theory Papers :-
– Entrepreneurship and SMEs
– Indian Management Thoughts and Practices
– Retail Management
– International Marketing

Section I

(1) Explain the concepts (any 5) (15 marks)

(2) Case Study (15 marks)

Section II

Attempt any 3 out of 4 (30 marks)

P.S. The Paper pattern are subject to changes by the MU.

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