Paper Presentation @ Acanthus 2013

Paper Presentation Topics:
1) Increasing attrition rate and control measures
2) Online trading
3) Teenage entrepreneurship
4) Marketing innovations
Submission of full paper on 4th September, 2013 by 5 pm – 3 hard copies – 1 soft copy( send to [email protected])
1) 20 selected papers will be published in our journal. Out of which 10 authors( selected by the panel) will present their papers on the day of the event.
2) The authors who are presenting on stage, will be allotted a total of 15 minutes )12 minutes to present and 3 minutes of Q&A) AWARDS:
1) First place receives cash award of Rs.7500
2) Second place receives cash award of Rs.5000
3) Third place receives cash award of Rs.3000
The winners will also be presented a trophy and certificate.
All 10 authors presenting on stage will receive a certificate of participation.
contact person : SOYAB SHAIKH
contact no : 9819407043

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