Parents’ gadget: LG Kizon



In the world of technology, most of the gadgets are for the youth or for the kids but LG has come up with a gadget for the parents. South Korean firm LG has unveiled a wearable device that helps parents to keep a track of their children.

LG’s Kizon is worn by children but is really meant for parents, letting them know where their kids are at all times with GPS, Wi-Fi, and a direct call button. Kizon is for small children, say age group 5 to 8; because children above 8 would not at all wear this if they come to know what it is meant for.

Kizon gives a new way for parents and their children communicate via a ‘One Step Direct Call’ button and if a parent calls their child and there’s no answer, Kizon will automatically connect to call and let the parents listen to what’s going on with an in-built microphone on the device.

The device sports a water-resistant wristband which comes in bright colors and accessories for kids. It was designed primarily for the small wrists of pre-school and primary school children.

The software in the device lets parents track their children with GPS and Wi-Fi and get notifications regarding their kid’s whereabouts throughout the day on a smartphone or tablet.


–         By Anand Thakkar

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