PARIS- I Love You!


Paris, makes me fall in love with the place every time I hear the name. Romantic, Luxury and Beauty all describing this lovely city. The City Of Lights has a lot to offer apart from what your guide books tell you! Here, have a look at these 5 things you should see while in Paris.

  1. Parks: Paris has countless, beautiful parks. One of the most popular parks is Jardins de Luxembourg. If you love nature and peace, then you should visit Parc Montsouris, the Jardin des Plantes and the Parc Aux Bttes-Chaumont.
  2. Window Shopping: Paris has always been known for being one of the best in fashion sense and you can see that in boutiques. These shops show off their best, luring you to buy everything, but if not, you can always window shop. Window shopping is free peeps, enjoy it!
  3. People: Paris is beautiful and people are amazing. It’s always fascinating to watch the people of that place and how they fit in there. So just grab a coffee, sit in an open Perisian Café and watch the world go by!
  4. The Views: People never get tired of watching Paris from the beautiful Eiffel Tower, even if it might take ages to complete the queues. For a change, try having an equally amazing view from Sacre Coeur and Montmartre. Why stick to one when you have so many choices eh?
  5. Flea Markets: For the love of shopping, you should definitely visit the awesome antique filled stall markets. The most popular ones are Porte de Vanves and Marché au Puces d Aligre. Don’t miss out on these if you are going to Paris!

What do you love about Paris? If you haven’t been there, what would you want to see?

-Saloni Tolia.

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Smita Singh


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